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49th Parallel Coffee Roasters - Manage Coffee Subscription Orders

Manage Subscription

Q: How do I subscribe?

A: Follow these steps:

1.  (Optional) - Set up your account  

2. Select the product you want to subscribe to. Choose from the options on the below link: 

3. Select Frequency 

  • opt-in to subscribe & save 10%
  • choose the placeholder frequency of every xx weeks
  • decide on quantity

4. Add to cart

5. Checkout

Q: How can I customize my subscription with products?

A: If you would like to modify your next upcoming subscription, you can log in and manage your subscription by adding/removing recurring products or one-time product additions.

Recurring Product: It will be added to your next subscription order and so forth...

One-time Product Addition: It will be added one-time to that next one subscription date only.

Please note that once you've established a subscription, there are no limits on how you would like to customize your frequency. It can be set to days, weeks or months.

After confirming, the product lines will indicate if it is a recurring product, or a "ONETIME" product addition 

Note for Onetime Add-ons:

To create all your items (subscription and onetime add-ons) together and gain free shipping. Please check that your billing and shipping information matches in this window for each product. 

A mismatch of information may result in separate orders and ship fees.

Q: How do I pause or restart my subscription?

A: To pause your active subscription, please navigate to the subscriptions page. The "Cancel Subscription" button will pause it.

Once you're ready to start up your subscription again, please navigate to your inactive subscription labelled "CANCELLED". Use the "Re-activate" button to unpause your subscription. 

You'll be receiving coffee again in no time!

Q: I want to set-up a subscription, but receive coffee just as it's finished roasting. What should I do?

A: Feel free to schedule your subscription order date and frequency at your convenience, we roast-to-order and keep backstock low to maintain roast freshness, as we do with our other coffees.


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